Friday, October 22, 2010

Mini Efforts Truly Mini!

Earlier in the week, I decided to take my teacup to work so I could get some of it done at lunch time.  That was a bad idea.  I tried to glue a piece of black lace to the top of the inside of the cup to represent the sky.  I used Ultimate glue and it wouldn't stick to the cup.  So, I got my crazy glue out and tried that.  It didn't stick either.  So, now I have a piece of lace that has a ton of glue on it, brown spots of glue on the inside of the cup and crazy glue on my fingernails.  That was the last effort in the mini department for this week!  I hope to have time to clean up the cup and get something done on it this weekend.  I'm also getting really anxious to get back to my castle.

Must tidy up the spare room first though.  Skittles will like playing with my castle as much as I will :)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Mini Day Out - October 16, 2010

Miniature Crafters of Nova Scotia  had a Mini Day Out on October 16, 2010.  We met at St. John's United Church in Fall River, NS.

The space was great - lots of room and wonderful lighting.  About 14 of us gathered to make scenes in tea cups.  Nancy was to be our teacher and had brought samples for us to look at during a previous meeting.  Here they are:

Miniature Teacup Scene Sample
 This one used some lace and cardboard and various tiny little bits.

Halloween Scene in a Teacup

This one has some bunka trim on the outside and has wallpaper and some printies to decorate the inside.

Everyone brought their own cup and some brought bits and pieces to share. 

We each brought our own lunch and some brought sweets to share.  One of the girls had a birthday and brought a cake that was delicious.

Unfortunately, I had to leave early so I didn't see any of the finished projects and didn't finish my own.  But, I do plan on working on mine tonight so I will post pictures when I have them.

It was a great day and we're all looking forward to our next Mini Day Out in June.

More soon...

Friday, October 8, 2010

Mini Night at My Local Group

Isn't she cute?  I think she needs a name.
 I had a good time at our local group meeting last night.  We made mini dolls from beads & fimo for hair.  Here's mine.  The pic isn't great, but you get the idea.

We had some freebies offered - upholstery samples, some garden gnomes & frogs and cross stitch patterns.  I got a couple of gnomes, a piece of fabric that might make a nice carpet and two cross stitch patterns that are both dollhouse related.  I'll copy them and then pass them along.

We made more plans for our mini day out on October 16.  We will be meeting at a member's church hall and spend the day making minis.  The project is a scene in a tea cup.

Here are the samples that will give us an idea of what can be done:


It will be a lot of fun.

Now I have to start digging for items to put in the scene!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Mini Treasures from Camp Mini Ha Ha

I took my bags of mini treasures from Camp Mini Ha Ha to work today for a couple of reasons.  I wanted to look at them again because I didn't have much time at Camp to savour them all.  Also, my co-workers get such a kick out of them that I have to bring them in.  They admire them all, but the thing they like the most is the Hallmark 2009 Washing Machine ornament that I won in the auction.  I have to say, it is cute.  I am going to take pictures of my goodies as soon as I can and will post them here.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Post Camp Mini Ha Ha

Well, it seems like a long time ago that I returned home from Camp Mini Ha Ha but it's only been a week tomorrow.  I have yet to unpack all of my goodies and project and may not get to that till next weekend.  However, I have been thinking about my next steps and asking questions of my fellow campers about how the stone work should appear where walls join.  I googled castle towers and came up with this fabulous website that has tons of photos of castles Welsh Castle Index.  I've spent hours looking at the photos - they're fascinating!

Here is a photo of my project in the dry fit stage:

My Castle Project at the Dry Fit Stage

I did drop into Dollarama yesterday and purchased a bag of miniature bones to "decorate" my castle when it's done.  Next stop was the building supply store where I bought a couple of copper plumbing caps for pots around the fireplace.  There were two sizes so I bought one of each.  Unfortunately, they didn't have the pink foam in 1/2".  I was looking for a piece to cut for my fireplace back.  There are several sizes ranging from 1" to 2".  My fellow campers think that the 1" will do.

When I get to it, my next step will be dry fitting it together again, marking and cutting any slit windows and marking the stone work on all of the pieces, inside and out.  Then I can take it apart and carve one piece at a time.  Some people found the carving tedious and felt like it would never end.  I found it soothing, much like quilting.  Well, except for the marking mistakes I made.  That took a little work to correct because after all, we can't have our castle's stone work wrong - the castle might fall down!

Stay tuned...

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Miniatures and Blogging

Well, it's hard to believe that I started this blog three years ago and haven't posted at all. Life is busy though and I have been dabbling. I have belonged to a Miniature group in Dartmouth, NS for the last few years and I have attended Camp Mini Ha Ha four times now.

We have a blast at Camp but this year is the first time that I have actually seriously worked at the project - a castle carved from pink builders foam. I really enjoyed working on it and am quite enthused about finishing it.

I have to "recover" from camp, unpack and get all my ducks in a row before I can work on it though. I may take it to work to mark and carve it. I'd like to be finished by December 1 or at least have the structure finished. Then I could spend some time during the Christmas break filling it and "decorating".

More mini moments soon!

Made by Lena