Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Miniatures and Blogging

Well, it's hard to believe that I started this blog three years ago and haven't posted at all. Life is busy though and I have been dabbling. I have belonged to a Miniature group in Dartmouth, NS for the last few years and I have attended Camp Mini Ha Ha four times now.

We have a blast at Camp but this year is the first time that I have actually seriously worked at the project - a castle carved from pink builders foam. I really enjoyed working on it and am quite enthused about finishing it.

I have to "recover" from camp, unpack and get all my ducks in a row before I can work on it though. I may take it to work to mark and carve it. I'd like to be finished by December 1 or at least have the structure finished. Then I could spend some time during the Christmas break filling it and "decorating".

More mini moments soon!

Made by Lena