Good afternoon!
This is my first post to my new blog. I just created the blog in an effort to find a way to share my triumphs and failures (hopefully, mostly triumphs) in my nearly new hobby of 1/12 scale miniatures.
I have been actively attending meetings in a local group for a little over a year now and have "joined" a challenge that is being held amongst members of a Yahoo miniature group, Canada Minis. The challenge is called The Great Breadbox Reno 2007 and I am the coordinator. We are creating a miniature scene in a Breadbox that can be purchased or made. We are working on a deadline of September 30, 2007. The deadline has recently been extended as several participants needed more time to complete their projects and the goal in this challenge is to get as many people as possible to participate and to have lots of fun.
So, I don't have photos yet, but will start posting my progress with my project as soon as I can.